Baxter Chiropractor Describes Stretching

Mastering proper lifting technique is more than just “bending your knees.” It is easy to injure yourself when straining your back. A simple lift – when done incorrectly – can often send people to see their local chiropractor. Protect your back from injury by enacting these tips when lifting objects.
Keep Your Chest Forward
When bending, keeping your chest out and pointing forward. Never twist and keep a straight back if you can. says, “Bending the knees alone will still allow a person to curve the back and risk an injury, but keeping the chest pointing forward will guarantee a straight back.”
Lead With Your Hips
Your shoulders should keep in line with your hips when bending and lifting. Let your hips lead which direction to turn your body. Bend with your knees and your hips.
Keep Elbows Close To Your Body
The weight of the object you are lifting should be close to your body. Position your arms so that your elbows are in towards your stomach with your shoulders completely dropped.
Remember to Breathe
When lifting heavy objects, it is common to strain and hold your breathe. Doing this can cause your muscles to tighten and result in joint or muscle injury to your back. Be sure to breath. It helps to take a deep breath in and exhale as you lift.
Use Your Legs
Raising up while holding a heavy object should utilize your leg strength and core strength more than anything else. If you feel your back aching while you lift, it is time to adjust your technique.
Learn When You Should Lift Differently
In some situations, such as picking up a small object or awkward object, it is wiser to lift using different methods than the typical recommendation. Learn situations you should lift differently here.
With these tips, your lifting technique should vastly improve. Protect your back from injury and feel stronger and safer when moving objects.
If these tips come to you too late and you already experience back pain, contact Hedlund Chiropractic. We’ll get you back to life.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Hedlund Chiropractic
13432 Elmwood Drive #3
Baxter, MN 56425
(218) 824-3737